Moisture Matters Blog

Hay Moisture Meters Maximize Production at Budweth Agriculture

Company Profile: Budweth Agriculture King Township, Ontario, Canada — Budweth Agriculture has been a cornerstone of the agricultural industry for over four decades. Established in 1978 by Alf Budweth Sr., this family-owned business specializes in equine hay production. ... Read More

Case Study: Schneider Alfalfa Relies on Delmhorst Moisture Meters for High-Quality Hay Production

Product quality consistency is critical to the success of every company, but maintaining that consistency is an ever-present challenge for business owners and producers. In the hay industry, however, farmers who use Delmhorst's advanced line of moisture meters for hay ... Read More

Advanced Hay Moisture Control

This is our fifth article in a series of six discussing how you can ensure the quality of your hay product by monitoring its moisture content (%MC) from the windrow through baling, storage, and delivery. Read More

Four Critical Reasons to Measure Moisture Content in Hay

As agricultural best practices and technology evolve, it’s vital for hay producers to capitalize on opportunities to increase productivity while reducing the risk of loss. Here are four critical reasons for you to consider a Delmhorst moisture meter for hay to monitor ... Read More

Buying a Hay Moisture Meter: The Ultimate Checklist

You've got a lot of resources invested in your hay crop, so you're wise to do all you can to ensure it's of the highest quality for your buyer. Tracking the moisture content (MC) in your stock throughout the harvest, baling and storage cycles is essential. You need ... Read More

Moisture Measurement 101 with Delmhorst’s FX Moisture Meters

Hay continues to be a hot commodity as more markets embrace alfalfa and Timothy hay pellets as stock feed. The dairy and cattle industries look for hay with the highest possible nutritional value to ensure their end products meet their consumers' demand. Guaranteeing ... Read More

Mastering Hay Moisture Testing with Delmhorst's FX Range

Delmhorst's well-known meters for hay moisture testing ensure that producers can maximize their profits even in years when yields are down but prices are up. The company recently released its most current innovations for measuring moisture in hay, adding the FX-20 and ... Read More

Moisture Meters for Agriculture: How Modern Technology Benefits The Hay & Cotton Industries

It's never been more crucial for agricultural commodity producers to monitor the status of their crops. The evolving influence of disruptive weather conditions is compelling the industry to make out-of-the-box decisions on the fly, encouraging the 'ag' industry to ... Read More

Moisture Detection Solutions for Hay: The FX-20 & 30

In this third of six articles in our in-depth series, readers will learn more about Delmhorst moisture meters and how they impact any industry that requires careful management of moisture levels. Today, we are discussing moisture levels in hay production and storage ... Read More

Moisture Meters: An Essential Tool for Producing High Quality Hay

This first installment in our original series uncovers the beneficial functions of reliable moisture meters in the hay industry and why they remain an indispensable part of agricultural operations. Farmers have long recognized moisture as an enemy of hay crops, ... Read More